New Hampshire Library Trustees Association
Contact the New Hampshire Library Trustees Association


The following links are to government websites and to publications from the NH Department of Labor and the US Government Department of Labor.

Complete List of Federal Agencies A to Z list of every federal government agency
National Archives A plethora of information and records generated by the Federal Government such as viewing the actual Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
USA.GOV How and where to start searching for a specific government document or organization?
The White House
The United States Senate
The United States House of Representatives

New Hampshire State Government
New Hampshire State Government Agencies

New Hampshire Congressional Representatives 2020
NH Dept of Labor  contact: 603-271-3176
NH Dept of Labor Youth Employment FAQ  
NH Minimum Wage Law Rev 4-22-2014
NH Equal Pay Rev 12-2014
NH Employee Protection Law Rev 4-22-2014
NH Law Library
Volunteers US Gov: Code of Federal Regulations/Fair Labor Standards Act
Guide for Developing a Safety Program NH Dept of Labor 2016
NH Labor Laws Fact Sheet NH Dept of Labor 2015
Libraries and Extremism Anti-Defamation League
Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Fact Sheet #17A Exemption from minimum wage and overtime pay. US Gov: Dept of Labor
US Government Census Bureau
Find your Legislator

Call the ADA Information Line at 800-514-0301, US Dept. of Justice, where you can speak with an ADA Specialist about service-animal related questions. Download the ADA FAQ on service animals.

Disability Rights Center of NH information on service and companion animals
NH RSA 167-D Service Animals and Search and Rescue Dogs
Service Animals Update 2019

American Library Association (ALA) 
American Libraries magazine
Assoc of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends & Foundations (United for Libraries)
Connecticut Association of Library Boards
Maine Library Association
Massachusetts Library Association
New England Library Association (NELA)
NH Center for Nonprofits  
New Hampshire Library Association (NHLA)
New York Library Trustees Association
Pennsylvania Library Association
Rhode Island Library Association 
Vermont Library Association
NH Attorney General's Memorandum on the Right To Know Law
is available as a PDF at this link:
New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA)
Right to Know information:
New Hampshire RSAs governing Libraries
     New Hampshire State Library: Library Laws
     NH RSAs Title XVI Libraries
     NH RSAs Title VI, Chapt 91-A  Right-to-Know
     NH RSAs Title III, Chapt 32  Budget Law

NH State Library directory provides information about New Hampshire Libraries available with a few keystrokes. Online Directory
New Hampshire State Library (NHSL) Public Library Statistics

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